stars rising

Aries rising: Social relationships and friendships come in question for you. There is a dilemma going on between spending more time on things you like doing or spending more time with your friends. I know these two can get combined cause of the fun but today, you may question a lot how you spend your time in a day. That ofc happens cause the moon is placed in your 11th house and the sun in your 5th house (taking whole signs and not placidus cause that can change the houses). You have pushed a lot to the side what you love doing on your free time and focused a lot on your friends. Learn to make time for your own private pleasures and hobbies. Dont neglect your wants.

Taurus rising: Carrer, ambitions and higher authotities are coming in question for you today. You feel like some stuff are out of your control and it irks you. You should remember you cant always have control over everything but i understand why it irritates you that your future is sometimes not on your own hands. There may be a split about the carrer you have chosen or will choose. The moon for you is placed in the the 10th house (whole sign) and the sun in the 4th house (whole sign). Your family's word may have affected you a lot these days, regarding the path you are choosing in life or critised your ambitions and goals. If family is getting in the way of your dreams, try and push their words to the side as much as possible. You are more vulnerable to their words today.

Gemini Rising: Personal beliefs, life philosophies, views on life and even religion make come in question for you. There is some internal struggle here. You are upset with yourself about some views you have had in life so far or philosophies and beliefs you shared with other people. You may have actually regretted opening up to someone about your beliefs, since they were either critised or ignored. The moon is in your 9th house (whole signs) and the sun in your 3rd house (whole signs). Communication may not be the best for you today as it would be expected the next days. You may daydream more than you usually would

Cancer rising: Intimacy, deeper emotions, relationships and sex may occupy a lot your head today. Have you been feeling lonely these weeks? I see this full moon is very personal for you and you will get through it emotionally on your own. You have been struggling but you havent been talking about it with anyone and now its taking a toll on you and your mental health. You are in a dilemma of stop being so emotional and rather get more realistic and materialistic may i say. Be careful not to fall in a relationship, just for the sake of stopping this feeling of loneliness. You will regret it later babe. Focus on yourself and the reason of your loneliness

Leo rising: Relationships or legal matters will occupy your mind a lot today. The moon falls in your 7th house (whole signs) and the sun falls in your 1st house (whole signs), so today you may be much more selfless and focus a lot on your relationship or needing a relationship. Be careful! Right now is not the time to neglect yourself. You are also in a split cause you need to take care more of yourself but you want someone beside you. Intimacy is sth very prominent in your mind today but dont let it control you. This day is personal and a day of reflection, remember to focus on yourself and see where you are standing.

Virgo rising: Health (both mental and physical), your work ethic and your work enviroment is sth that will question a lot today. Have you been pushing yourself to the side? I see you have been detaching from communicating with your inner child and this has made you more harsh and cold to your surroundings. Give priority to your health first! You have been neglecting yourself. Stop questioning your work ethic and work environment. If you havent worked as hard as you wanted, make sure to do so from now on. Its never too late. Just get determined once again and take the first step to become what you want. Be careful of your perfectionist tendencies, learn to put a limit or you will never make actual realistic goals.

Libra rising: Hobbies, interests, fun and pleasure is sth that will occupy your mind a lot. Right now you are questioning if you have actually spend quality time with yourself. Friends, hobbies and fun are amazing but have you truly spend the right amount of time with yourself to feel content with your life? Prioritize and see what you could have done better and where you could have spend less time at to focus on sth else. You want to spend time on your hobbies and interests but have you been giving the attention you usually would give to your friends? Be careful if you have overdone it, check and take the right actions. Dont detach from your social side.

Scorpio rising: Home, emotions, childhood or family may be occupying your head today babes. These days have been very private for you, you have been keeping a lot of emotions and thoughts in your mind from anyone in your life. Even from the people you dearly trust and love. Today, you may not feel like socialising almost at all. Have you been neglecting your life goals or ambitions? I see you are trying to get back at what you wish to truly do today, but you may fail cause your mindset is not the most clear. Dont focus on bad incidents that happened in your life, even if they come to haunt you, remember the person you are today and how much you have overcome to be this person.

Sagittarius rising: Communication, social gatherings and people in general have been occupying your mind lately. Have you been actually saying what you truly feel to your loved ones or people around you? Were there more misunderstandings and conflicts created than usual during conversations you would open with others? Have you felt more awkward and self conscious starting conversations with people? I see that you probably did have these issues and today you may feel like you dont want to engage in social gatherings with many people. You try to keep contact with the people that make you feel well and thats exactly what you should do. But be careful, dont let the uneasiness you feel in communication right now stop you from speaking about your beliefs and philosophies when they are brought down by others.

Capricorn rising: Money, expenses and any material matter are occupying your mind. You have been thinking a lot about your income and the way you will earn more money. It reached to a point where you have neglected your inner and deepest emotions. I can see you may have the need for intimacy but you have pushed it so back that you try to convince yourself money is more important right now. Communicate with your inner soul, dont neglect your need for affection or love, you will end up feeling very empty once you reach the wealthiness you wish to achieve. Balance. And be careful not to get too greedy. Plus watch where you are spending your money at. Its better to save up right now.

Aquarius rising: Oh man, the full moon is coming right for you so strongly. You, your appearance, the way you interract or get perceived by others is sth that will occupy your mind a lot. This full moon is happy that you are focusing on yourself, it has seen that you have given yourself more love and care than you normally would but havent you neglected your love life a bit more than you should have? I see you have a very defensive view on relationships right now and this shouldnt be the case. You can push them to the side but dont try to convince yourself that you only need yourself IF you dont truly believe it. Let yourself realise you are the most important on its own time cause pressuring yourself to believe that, will only bring the right opposite affect.

Pisces rising: Your inner child, hidden emotions and subconsious come in question for you babe. You have been very private these past weeks. Your inner child feels neglected and pushed to the side. You have been trying to detach from your emotions and ignore how you feel. This has taken a toll on neglecting your mental health as well though. I get you want to go through the hardships on your own but have you seen the consequences it has to your health? Today try and talk to someone more deeply, you dont have to talk about the problems you feel self-conscious to open up but sth that will make you warm up. Certain people do care for you truly, you have the right to open about your problems. The people in your life want to feel involved and help.




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