nag pachmi

Nag Panchami Puja Muhurat – 05:43 AM to 08:25 AM
Duration – 02 Hours 42 Mins
Panchami Tithi Begins – 05:13 AM on Aug 02, 2022
Panchami Tithi Ends – 05:41 AM on Aug 03, 2022

Naga Chaturthi falling on the 4th day during the bright fortnight of auspicious Sravana Maasa followed by Naga Panchami on the next day is celebrated as Naga Devatha festival.

Serpent God Aadi Sesha is the presiding Deity for Panchami thithi.

It is said to be the day Lord Brahma gave a boon to Serpents that they would get adored by human beings on the Earth.

 It was on this day of Naga Panchami, King Janamejaya stopped his Sarpa Yaga and a new lease of life was given to the Serpents.

 Among the snakes, Cobra is considered as Serpent God (Naga Devatha) and Nagaaradhana (Snake worship) is one of the accepted sattsampradaya in Hindu religion since yore. There is a separate world for snakes known as _Naaga Loka_ among the nether worlds.

Among the serpent Gods, Anantha (Aadi Sesha) and Vasuki are in the forefront. We find many pauranic legends associated with Serpents and their worship.

Symbolism of several Deities is associated with Serpents. For example...

The seat on which Lord Vishnu rests (Anantha Sayana) in his abode Sri Vaikunta is nothing but Aadi Sesha (Anantha) the thousand headed Serpent God; "Ananthaaya Namasthubhyam SahasraSirase Namaha"

Lord Shiva's neck is adored by a serpent.

 Lord Ganesha is depicted as wearing Yagnopaveetham.

At Kukukke Subramanya Kshethra Lord Subramanya is worshiped along with Vaasuki.*

We find Lord *Venkateshwara at Tirumala wearing Naagabharana on his shoulders.*

Tirumala hills the abode of Lord Venkateswara is said to be the manifestation of Lord Aadisesha.* That is why it is also called as Seshaachala. From a distance Tirumala hills appears in a serpentine form.

 In Sri Venkatesha Stothram (Brahmanda Purana) we find Lord Venkateswara eulogized as " *Seshadri patih eva cha" meaning... the one who is the Lord of Seshadri Hills (Lord of AadiSesha) on the top of which Lord Sriinivaasa is eternally stays.*

 In AadityaPuranaAntargata Sri Venkatachala Mahatmya, DevaSarma eulogizes Lord Srinivasa with the above sloka;

 During Ksheera Sagara Madhanam,Vasuki the Serpent God was used as a rope for churning the ocean.
 Lord Sri Krishna says in Sri Bhagawad Geeta, Vibhooti Yoga (sloka 28 & 29) that He is Anantha among the Naga Sect and Vasuki among the Serpents.*

In Tretha Yuga during Sri Ramaavathara, Aadi Sesha took the form of *Lakshmana*, Lord Sri Rama's younger brother and

 In Dwapara Yuga during Sri Krishnaavathara he took the form of *Balarama* (Nara) the elder brother of Lord Sri Krishna.

Arjuna of Mahabharatha fame married a *Naga Kanya called Uloochi.*

🌹 🌿 Naga Devatha is one of the nine presiding Deities of Yagnopaveetham who is also offered prayer before wearing it.*

🌹 🌿 Prominent Madhwa vaishna Saint, Sri Jayatirtha of Karnataka is considered as the Aavesha of AadiSesha.


🌹 🌿 A snake-bill is considered as a temple of Serpent God and in some places snake idols are installed under the shade of Banyan Tree.

🌹 🌿 At some other places we find exclusive temples erected for Naga Devatha worship.

🌹 🌿 In some families especially in South India, we find exclusive private temples of Naga Devatha are erected by the family members and they conduct annual festival in its honour.

🌹 🌿 People perform Nagaaradhana and worship Naga Devatha for the welfare and well-being of their family and children and for taking forward their family lineage.

🌹 🌿 It is strongly believed and said that for those who are childless, Naga Devatha Pratishta and Nagaaradhana with proper Anusandhana bestows them with progeny.

🌹 🌿 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗡𝗮𝗴𝗮 𝗞𝘀𝗵𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗮𝘀

🌹 🌿 There are several pilgrim centers considered as Naga Kshethras; some of the famous and ancient Naga Kshethras associated with pouranic legends are...

🌹 🌿 Sri Kukke Subramanya_(Karnataka State),

🌹 🌿 Sri Kshethra Kudupu (near Mangalore),

🌹 🌿 Ghaati Subramanya (near Doddabalapur in Karnataka),

🌹 🌿 Thirunageswaram (near Kumbhakonam) & Nagerkoil (in Tamil Nadu).

🌹 🌿 Thirunageswaram (near Kumbhakonam) & Nagerkoil (in Tamil Nadu),

🌹 🌿 Manasa Devi temple (in Hardwar in Uttar Pradesh), and

🌹 🌿 Nageshwar Jyothirlinga Kshetra (near Dwaraka)

are some of the Naga Kshethras.

🌹 🌿 Time and again through its medium of festivals, Hindu philosophy put across the human race to live in tandem and harmony with the nature and its species.Perhaps this is the message the festival of Naga Panchami conveys.


🌹 🌿 There could be sampradaya bheda but, *in general Naga Devatha should be worshiped on this day with Shodasa Upachaara Pooja with Sankarshana Roopi ParamaAtma (Lord Vishnu) as Antharyaami;*

🌹 🌿 Depending on availability and sampradaya, Naga Shila or Silver Naga Pratima or Snake burrows will be used. We also find people symbolically drawing the picture of a snake (naAga) on both sides of the outor wall of their houses
*On the day of Naga Chaturthi/Panchami digging of soil, ploughing of the field, cutting of trees, fried/ roasted foods are forbidden.*

🌹 🌿 Preparations made with Tila, Jaggery, and Rice are offered as Naivedya;

🌹 🌿 For observing Naga-Chaturthi Vratha, Chaturthi thithi should be MadhyaAnna Vyaapini and

🌹 🌿 for Naga-Panchami, Panchami should be PoovaViddha, that means Panchami mixed with

🌹 🌿 Chaturthi to be preferred.

🌹 🌿 On the day of Garuda Panchami, Lord Garuda is also to be worshiped along with Sesha Deva/Naaga Devatha.

🌹 🌿 अनंतं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मकंबलकौ तथा । तथा कार्कोटकं नागं भुजंगश्वतरौ तथा ॥ धृतराष्ट्रं शंखपालं कालीयं तक्षकं तथा । पिंगलं च महानागं सपत्नीकान् प्रपूजयेत् ॥

🌹 🌿 Ananthananthadevesha Anantha Phaladayaka! Anantharoopi Viswathman Ananthaaya Namo Namaha!!

🌹 🌿 *Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu*🌿 🌹


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