Slokas for health

अगस्त्यम कुम्भकर्णं च शनिंच बडवानलं
आहार परिपाकार्थ स्मरेद भीमं च पंचमं

Agastyam kumbhakarnam cha shanim cha badavaanalam
Aahaara paripaakaartham smared bhimam cha panchakam

Chant this mantra while caressing your stomach with your left hand in the anti clock wise direction after having your meal. It helps in quick digestion.

Shri Datto Narado vyasaha, shuklashcha pavanatmajah,
Karthaveeryascha goraksho, sapthaithe smruthi gaminaha.

Sloka for trees:

Moolatho Brahma Roopaya, Madhyato Vishnu Roopine,
Agratha Shiva Roopaya, Vruksha Rajayathe Namaha.

Activity specific sloka

Slokas for our kids - categorised based on activity.

Every activity in one's life is viewed as a result of the powers above. Hence each activity is revered and a prayer chanted to execute the task on hand more out of sincerity and devotion rather than out of "i know everything" attitude.

It is said that:
Two things define your success in life:
1) The way you manage when you have nothing
2) The way you behave when you have everything

These slokas help not only keep one grounded but also reduce greatly the haste involved.

Recalling the sloka and chanting it, by itself and unknowingly induces a pause before the start of the activity which helps free flow of thoughts and a cooler approach to activity on hand...


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