Magha nakshatra
Magha nakshatra important observations and most effective remedy..
If you have major planets (Sun.Moon, Ascendant, Ascendant Lord,Atmakaraka in Magha)
1-Interest to know their lineage, family heritage, ancestors.
2-Power hungry, tendency to think themselves as King/egoistic.
3-Play games where they get some special powers.
4-Connection with UK,Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Monaco or Burma,(Might visit or have some articles/watch from these countries.
5-Prominent results at age of 18(5th and 7th house also gets activated),
21st year
31st year (10th house also gets activated)
6-Love sitting on royal chair.
7-Some national level event will influence them.
8-Some story attached to their birth.
9-Near death experience/out of body experience is common to them.
10-Some issues with ancestral home/property.
11-Attention seekers if 4th lord in Magha their House/car catches attention.
12-If afflicted or connection with 6/8th house some genetic disorders is possible.
13-After age of 36 they have strong tendency to go back to their ancestral home...
14-Once in life they have major set back in life../ stock market.
15-Dont mind having big families/ many kids.
16-Love to groom themselves.
1-Must do pitri tarpan on amavasya.
2-Always have royal chair at work place.
3-Control your ego.
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