What is 8 & 6

What is 8 & 6

If you are born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, as per number 8 numerology, your day number is 8.
If you get No. 6 by adding the date, month, and year of your birth day, your Life No. is 6, ruled by Venus.

Right Names & Success

Name Numerology is more powerful than numbers.

 If your name is right, for 8 and 6 you can enjoy a prosperous life with good family and children. You acquire cars and properties. You become a scientist, doctor, or engineer.
You specialize in law, politics, media, and advertisements. 

You become an artist with great achievements. You research the Occult with your scientific talents. You come up well in life and achieve great success.

Wrong Name & Failures

 In the beginning, Saturn dominates your life. When you become old, Venus has its say along with Saturn.

Saturn gives you stomach troubles. It makes you over sensual.

Other Difficulties
Saturn makes you get into other difficulties as well. 

You run the risks of mental depression. 

You worry with sorrows. 

Your later life is filled with severe set backs and misfortunes. 

Loss by fire, theft, and arson troubles you. 

To enjoy a calm life with luck and happiness name should be strong along with other numerals


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