Identify Foreign settlement in Vedic Astrology
ЁЯМПIdentify Foreign settlement in Vedic Astrology
Foreign Settlement can be the most common question that has been asked via astrology, today I will share a simple analysis and technique of how to predict foreign settlement.
This is a personal observation and opinion concluded by experiments and research. Other aspects of the chart should be taken into consideration. This is only a general overview so do not jump directly to a conclusion, little knowledge can be dangerous.
ЁЯМПUnderstanding of foreign settlement
There is 3 zodiac sign that signifies distance travel which is Sagittarius, Pisces, and Aquarius, when those to sign fall as the 12th house, 9th house, 4th house OR heavy planets sitting in these signs; usually foreign settlement is almost promised. You might also consider the Cancer sign and planets that sitting there, could also manifest foreign settlement, but not as a permanent movement in most cases.
This leads us to examine and evaluate the dignity of planet Jupiter, it shouldn’t be in a bad position or afflicted. But yet, other planets may give foreign settlements too as long as connected to signs that we just mentioned above.
Another thing we need to understand is the Mahadasha system. Even if the event is promised but since the proper dasha is not activated, then the chances will be nullified {unless other planets support the event in other divisional charts like navamsha or dasamsha}.
ЁЯМПA combination that shows foreign settlement
1- Any planet placed in Pisces or Sagittarius or Aquarius sign is almost promising distance travel during the planet Mahadasha & Antardasha.
2- Planets sitting in the 9th, 12th, & 4th house can indicate distance travel when the planetary activation occurs. {From ASC/Moon OR Mahadasha Lord}.
3- If there is any planet occupying the 9th & 12th house, also Pisces in the D9 chart, it can signify distance travel when proper dasha is activated. OR when there is a strong planet positioned in Aquarius, Pisces, or Sagittarius in Navamsha {especially if it’s the ASC of D9}.
4- Check your current major mahadasha period, and let it as the ASC and see if it’s ruling the 9th or the 12th house, most probably distance travel may occur during this time.
like for example, Leo Asc has Mercury in Libra, and Mercury Dasha is operating, Let Mercury in libra as the ASC, now you will notice that Gemini will fall in the 9th house and Virgo sign in the 12th house. That can indicate traveling might occur during Mercury Dasha and if there are any planets occupying Gemini and Virgo, it could happen during those antradsha.
Some Astrologers consider the 8th house & the 3rd house as foreign settlements too, yet I didn’t see it as a very evident promise for such an event to occur. It might only indicate short-distance travel {approx 3-4 months}, not a permanent settlement.
The astrocartography chart will be explained in PART 2 to determine whether the country that you’re moving to is beneficial or not. It’s more related to Western Astrology teaching, so I will combine it with Vedic Astrology based on my own technique and research.
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